Stats are cool, eh?


Number of repos 217956
Numbers of releases 7113131
Average release per repo 32.64
Average star per user 314.34

Repos with most releases

truecharts/public 78729
CommE2E/comm 49002
jupyterlab/jupyterlab 42435
pytorch/pytorch 40973
thi-ng/umbrella 39461

Releases per day

Soon …

Latest releases

Repository Last version Published at
artalar/reatom devtools: v0.8.2 (devtools-v0.8.2)
Magisk-Modules-Repo/callrecorder-skvalex 3.6.8 (v.55)
pdf/zfs_exporter Release v2.3.6 (v2.3.6)
intoli/user-agents v2.0.0-alpha.433
meshery/meshery Meshery v0.8.17 (v0.8.17)
rubocop/rubocop-rails RuboCop Rails 2.29.0 (v2.29.0)
linuxserver/docker-bazarr development-v1.5.2-beta.7-ls667 pre-release
iamhosseindhv/notistack v3.0.2
soywod/react-pin-field v4.0.2
streamlit/streamlit 1.41.2.dev20250117
iP1SMS/disposable-phone-numbers v2.1.1036
replicatedhq/kots v2025.1.18-bf059d-nightly
morpheus65535/bazarr v1.5.2-beta.7 pre-release
cross-seed/cross-seed v6.8.9
attzonko/mmpy_bot v2.2.1
th-ch/youtube-music v3.7.2
shuding/nextra nextra-theme-docs@4.0.4
renovatebot/renovate 39.115.4
beartype/beartype Beartype 0.20.0 RC 0: Release the Bears (v0.20.0rc0) pre-release
status-im/status-go v9.0.0